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Firmware update on ESR600
Firmware update on ESR600
Updated over a week ago

The firmware found in the website is in .rar compression format. To extract the firmware the customer has to install winrar or .rar compatible extraction software on his computer or use an online .rar extraction service/website. Windows 7 does not natively support .rar compression.

This is how to install and use WINRAR in Windows 7

Open your web browser. Double-click on any web browser on your desktop.

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    Head to the RAR Lab website. On the address bar of your browser, type in on the address bar and hit "Enter" on your keyboard. It should take you to the official site’s download page. Up top are the most stable versions depending on your system type.

    • To know what your system type is, right click on "My Computer" and select “Properties.” Scroll down until you see “System Type,” and on the right side is your system type.

    • For Mac, just select the link to the MAC OS X version of WinRAR that is located right below the Windows versions.

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    Install WinRAR. The installer should then be saved in your system’s default download folder if you haven’t changed it, which should be called "Download." Double-click on the installer to initiate the installation process.

    • The default installation settings should be fine, so just keep clicking “Next” until the process finishes.

    • After the installation finishes, the WinRAR shortcut should be right in your desktop.


Using WinRAR

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    Launch WinRAR. After installation finishes, you can launch the software. Double-click the shortcut to run it. You should then be shown several options.

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    Extract files from an archive. In the main window of WinRAR, you will see a directory navigation pane at the bottom of the toolbar. This lets you navigate through your computer’s files to find archived files. Click on an archived filed to see its contents. Select the ones you want to extract by highlighting them, then dragging them to your desktop.

    • You can also extract files to a specific folder by clicking “Extract to” in the toolbar at the top after selecting the desired files. Then your system will let you choose a specific folder to put the files in.

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