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Wireless Networking
How to Manually Install EUB1200AC drivers for Windows 7
How to Manually Install EUB1200AC drivers for Windows 7
Updated over a week ago
  1. Extract the files from the installation package or the file you've downloaded from the website.

  2. Select Start > Control Panel.

  3. Click Hardware and Sound.

  4. Click Device Manager Under Devices and Printers.

  5. Click the symbol in front of Network Adapters.

  6. Right-click the EnGenius adapter and click Properties.

  7. Click the Driver tab.

  8. Click Update Driver.

  9. Click Browse my computer for driver software.

  10. Click Browse and navigate to the folder where you placed the extracted files. Find the folder name RTWLANU_Driver then go to the subfolder that corresponds to the operating system on your computer i.e. Win7X64 for Windows 7 64-bit and Win7X86 for Windows 7 32-bit.

  11. Click Next.

Click Close after the installation completes.
Reboot your system if requested.

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